Based in Seoul, Jeong Yong, a.k.a. ML, creates music videos and other types of video works. He is the director of It Take Time by Loco (feat. Colde), Kisscuse Me by UZA&SHANE, Voyage by Huckleberry Finn, I Love U by SLEEQ and Everything To Me by Shin Hae Gyeong.

The Feelings Unsettled borrow the form of time loop where the main character who came from the future is stuck in a specific space-time and experiences the same time span repeatedly. The belief that cinema can be constructed regardless of the conditions focuses on the fundamental impetus of cinema rather than a narrative structure. Both the motif and score of the work come from dialogues and collaborations.

Based in Seoul, Jeong Yong, a.k.a. ML, creates music videos and other types of video works. He is the director of It Take Time by Loco (feat. Colde), Kisscuse Me by UZA&SHANE, Voyage by Huckleberry Finn, I Love U by SLEEQ and Everything To Me by Shin Hae Gyeong.

The Feelings Unsettled borrow the form of time loop where the main character who came from the future is stuck in a specific space-time and experiences the same time span repeatedly. The belief that cinema can be constructed regardless of the conditions focuses on the fundamental impetus of cinema rather than a narrative structure. Both the motif and score of the work come from dialogues and collaborations.


정용은 서울에서 ML이라는 이름으로 활동하며 뮤직비디오를 비롯한 각종 비디오를 만든다. 로꼬 시간이 들겠지 (feat.Colde), 우자&쉐인 Kisscuse Me〉, 허클베리핀 Voyage〉, 슬릭 I Love U〉, 신해경 모두 주세요〉 등의 뮤직비디오를 연출했다.

다스리지 못한 마음〉은 미래에서 온 주인공이 특정한 시공에 갇혀 같은 구간을 반복해서 다시 경험하는 타임루프물을 차용한다. 어떤 조건에서든 영화를 성립시킬 수 있다는 믿음은 내러티브 구조보다는 영화의 근본적인 추동에 집중한다. 작업의 모티프와 스코어는 모두 대화와 협업에서 비롯했다.

Based in Seoul, Jeong Yong, a.k.a. ML, creates music videos and other types of video works. He is the director of It Take Time by Loco (feat. Colde), Kisscuse Me by UZA&SHANE, Voyage by Huckleberry Finn, I Love U by SLEEQ and Everything To Me by Shin Hae Gyeong.

The Feelings Unsettled borrow the form of time loop where the main character who came from the future is stuck in a specific space-time and experiences the same time span repeatedly. The belief that cinema can be constructed regardless of the conditions focuses on the fundamental impetus of cinema rather than a narrative structure. Both the motif and score of the work come from dialogues and collaborations.