Eunji Kim is a graphic designer of ant graphics, a graphic design studio based in Seoul. Her graphic work is related to arts and culture and her interest ranges from print media to space.

An impulse of an avid collector of specific types of objects sometimes ends up building an archive that goes beyond taste or hobby. Kim reflects on serial acts of buying, collecting and owning via the canvas totes that she has been collecting for several years. Neatly folded and kept, the bags reveal a variety of different contexts through their diversity.

Eunji Kim is a graphic designer of ant graphics, a graphic design studio based in Seoul. Her graphic work is related to arts and culture and her interest ranges from print media to space.

An impulse of an avid collector of specific types of objects sometimes ends up building an archive that goes beyond taste or hobby. Kim reflects on serial acts of buying, collecting and owning via the canvas totes that she has been collecting for several years. Neatly folded and kept, the bags reveal a variety of different contexts through their diversity.


김은지는 서울을 기반으로 활동하는 그래픽 디자인 스튜디오 개미그래픽스의 디자이너이다. 문화예술 관련 그래픽 작업을 진행하고 있으며, 인쇄 매체와 공간을 아우르는 다양한 그래픽 작업에 관심이 있다.

특정한 계열의 물건을 열렬히 모으는 수집의 충동은 때로 취향이나 취미를 초과한 아카이브를 이루기도 한다. 김은지는 몇 년간 자신이 모아온 에코백을 통해 물건을 구입하고, 수집하고, 또 소장하는 연쇄적인 행위를 돌아본다. 차곡차곡 접어놓았던 다양한 에코백은 출처가 각양각색인 만큼 서로 다른 맥락을 펼쳐 보인다.

Eunji Kim is a graphic designer of ant graphics, a graphic design studio based in Seoul. Her graphic work is related to arts and culture and her interest ranges from print media to space.

An impulse of an avid collector of specific types of objects sometimes ends up building an archive that goes beyond taste or hobby. Kim reflects on serial acts of buying, collecting and owning via the canvas totes that she has been collecting for several years. Neatly folded and kept, the bags reveal a variety of different contexts through their diversity.